RFC 2350 (BCP 21)

Description of S Group (customer-owned Finnish network of companies in the retail and service sectors) Computer Security Incident Response Team (CSIRT)

1: Introduction

This is the RFC 2350 for the S Group Computer Security Incident Response Team (CSIRT).

S Group is a customer-owned Finnish network of companies in the retail and service sectors, with more than 1,900 outlets in Finland. S Group consists of cooperatives and SOK with its subsidiaries, which engage in Estonia's travel and hospitality business, among other operations.

2: Scope

3: Information, Policies, and Procedures

3.1: Obtaining the Document

Date of the last update:

Locations where this Document May Be Found:

3.2: Contact Information

Full Name:
SOK Computer Security Incident Response Team
Short Name:

Mailing address:
CSIRT / SOK Kyberturvallisuus
Suomen Osuuskauppojen Keskuskunta
Fleminginkatu 34
P.O. Box 1, 00088 S-RYHMÄ


SOK CSIRT operates in Helsinki, Finland, in the Eastern European Time Zone (EET, UTC+2h).
Finland observes summertime arrangements as indicated in the EU directive 2000/84/EC.

The DST offsets in Finland are applied as follows.

UTC+3h (EEST) summertime between the last Sunday of March and the last Sunday of October
UTC+2h (EET) otherwise.

Telephone Number:

SOK CSIRT Duty Officer has a direct, 24/7 phone number, available by request only.

S Group switchboard: Tel. 010 76 8011 (EUR 0.0835 per call + EUR 0.1209 per minute), Mon–Fri from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m.

SOK CSIRT has access to video and teleconferencing systems.

Facsimile Number:

None available.

Electronic Mail Address:
csirt [AT] sok.fi

Operating Hours:
Emails are monitored Monday to Friday, 8.00 to 17.00

SOK CSIRT Duty Officer has a direct 24/7 phone number, available by request only.

3.3: Charter

3.3.1: Mission Statement

The main areas of responsibility of SOK CSIRT are:
Maintain situational awareness of S Group’s cybersecurity landscape.
Responding to IT security incidents.
Coordinating the response to significant IT security incidents, where required, in the S Group.
Coordinating with NCSC-FI, FIN-CERT, and other external organizations.

3.3.2: Constituency

SOK CSIRT constituency is composed of all the elements of S Group’s information systems: its users, its systems, its applications, and its networks.

3.3.3: Sponsoring Organization / Affiliation

SOK CSIRT is a service within the SOK IT department. We act as the SPOC for matters relating to cybersecurity for the whole S Group.

3.3.4: Authority

CSIRT has the authority to act on all incidents that cause or could cause detriment to the confidentiality, integrity, and availability of S Group's IT assets.

3.4: Policies

SOK CSIRT is authorized to handle all types of cyberattacks targeting S Group.

All incidents are considered normal priority unless they are labeled EMERGENCY.

SOK CSIRT works closely with Finnish institutions & law enforcement agencies. All relevant Finnish Data Protection Laws apply. In the case of criminal action, these will be reported to the appropriate authorities.

3.5: Services

Incident Response
Incident Triage
Incident Co-ordination

3.6: Incident Reporting Forms

Incident reporting forms are not used. External contacts via email.

3.7 Co-operation, Interaction, and Disclosure of Information

SOK CSIRT is committed to open and transparent collaboration with our trusted partners, including the international CERT community, in accordance with S Group policies.

For this reason, all worldwide CERT teams are welcome to contact SOK CSIRT (csirt [at] sok.fi) to establish cooperation agreements, questions, or information-sharing initiatives as appropriate.

3.8: Disclaimers

This document is provided on an "as is" basis and does not imply any guarantee of the service supplied by the SOK CSIRT.

While every precaution will be taken in the preparation & dissemination of information and security alerts, SOK CSIRT assumes no responsibility to external (Non-S Group organizations and users) for errors, omissions, or damages resulting from the use of the information provided within this document or our security communications.